South Sudan Map - SVG Vector

Interactive Map of South Sudan

South Sudan is a Republic founded in 2011 and located in the area of Africa, with a land area of 644330 km² and population density of 17 people per km². Territory of South Sudan borders Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia, Kenya, Sudan, Uganda. Gross domestic product (GDP) is of about 117700 millions of dollars dollars.

Geography of South Sudan

Kinyeti is the highest point in South Sudan at an altitude of 3187 meters, instead the lowest point in the country is White Nile at 350 m.

Simple Maps of South Sudan

Here are the best maps of South Sudan at high resolution. Below you find printable maps showing South Sudan in different styles and positions.

Frequently asked questions about South Sudan

How is South Sudan divided?

If you are looking for regions or provinces in South Sudan, here are all the main areas:

  • Bahr al Ghazal
  • Equatoria
  • Upper Nile

What are the main points of interest in South Sudan?

The major tourist attractions in South Sudan are Boma National Park, Bandingilo National Park, Southern National Park, Lake No, Kinyeti, Imatong Mountains, Nimule National Park, Bahr ez Zeraf, Tabliczka pamiątkowa w Rejaf.

What is the flag of South Sudan?

South Sudan flag
Flag of South Sudan

What is the capital of South Sudan?

The main city and capital of South Sudan is Juba.

What is the currency in South Sudan?

Official currency of South Sudan is Pound.

What is the population of South Sudan?

In South Sudan there are 11205900 people.

What is international phone code in South Sudan?

South Sudan telephone code is 211.

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