North America Map

Interactive Map of North America

North America is a continent with an area of over 24 million square km for a population of 579 million people. There are over 250 minor indigenous languages and time zones are between UTC-10 and UTC.

The highest North American mountain is Denali, at 6190 meters above sea level and it is located in Alaska, USA. The lowest point is Valley’s Badwater Basin at 86 meters below sea level.

Frequently asked questions about North America

What are all the North American countries?

What is the population of North America?

In North America live 579 million people.

What are 10 major cities in North America?

The most pupulated North American city is Mexico City with over 8 million people. Other famous big cities are New York City, Los Angeles, Toronto, Chicago, Houston, Havana, Montreal, Ecatepec de Morelos, Philadelphia,

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